BID Membership

Wakefield BID (Business Improvement District) was established in 2017 to represent and support over 400 businesses within the city centre. The BID works to enhance the area through investments in vibrant events, street art, increased security, and cleaner streets, all funded by BID membership.

Levy Payer Members

Businesses located within the designated Wakefield BID area automatically become levy-paying members if their rateable value is £12,000 or more. These businesses contribute a mandatory levy, which is calculated as a percentage of their business rate. This levy enables Wakefield BID to deliver various projects and services aimed at improving the city centre’s vibrancy, cleanliness, and safety. The levy rules and percentage are set out in the BID’s Business Plan, which members voted on and agreed to.

Voluntary Membership

If your business falls outside of the BID area or has a rateable value below the threshold, you can still be a part of the Wakefield BID community through voluntary membership. By becoming a voluntary member, you can access the same range of services, support, and opportunities to contribute to the betterment of Wakefield city centre. This includes being eligible to take part in BID-funded events, promotions, and initiatives that enhance footfall and boost trade.

Joining Wakefield BID as a voluntary member is a great way to actively support the local business community and play a role in shaping the future of the city.

If you’re interested in becoming a voluntary member of Wakefield BID or want more information, please contact us to discuss how you can get involved.