wakefield workplace wellbeing

Wakefield Workplace Wellbeing

The Workplace Wellbeing Charter was set up to help businesses support the health and wellbeing of their employees, and being a part of it comes with some fantastic benefits. 🧘

We know that each business has their own particular needs so we offer very flexible support to help you to implement health initiatives that work for you.

Signing up to the charter is completely FREE with only a small amount of paperwork to complete. You will need to complete an application form and also tell us a little about how you currently look after or would like to look after your employees. 📝

As a Charter member your business will be entitled to a number of incentives such as:

  • Onsite health checks. – A number of free places on a Mental Health First Aid course.
  • A variety of wellbeing webinars/training for staff to sign up to.
  • Developing a healthy workplace culture working with our partners around stopping smoking, alcohol awareness, health eating etc.
  • Active travel initiatives.
  • Staff will be able to enjoy a reduced rate membership to all of the Council’s Leisure Centres (Reduced rate of £20 per month – usually £25).

The Aspire membership gives you access to swimming, gym and classes and new aspire members also receive a free 12 week tailored exercise programme designed to help achieve individuals goals.

Our programmes are based around a client’s own health and fitness levels with an instructors support available every step of the way.

Further information is available on the website: www.wakefield.gov.uk/sport-health-and-leisure/leisure-centres-and-facilities 🌏

Download the Wellbeing Charter & Toolkit below :